Wednesday 18 September 2019

Top PHP Web Development Trends You Can Expect in 2019

There are many trends rising in the PHP development industry in 2019. In order to catch up with the pace, many PHP development companies have started exploring and implementing the trends in order to increase the benefits coming along with it. 

Security is a major concern in today’s web development. Using PHP development tools and combining Java and PHP are the best rising solution to provide robust and reliable cyber security solutions that ensure complete protection to websites.

Click here to know the rising PHP development trends to watch out for in 2019.

Thursday 12 September 2019

PHP Development Trends to Watch Out in 2019

PHP Development has been gaining popularity among developers during recent years. PHP development companies have started playing a big role by providing web solutions to global enterprises. 

Trends like PHP and Cloud Integration, PHP-IoT Combo and PHP User Interface are about to take PHP development to places as implementing them will generate more customers.

Read more to find the Latest trends in PHP to watch out for in 2019.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Find Out What are All Not to Do with Mobile App UX Design

Designing UX is a trending challenge faced by many companies who want to develop their own mobile app. By passing this challenge and designing the best mobile app for your business is the crux of this blog.

Before starting to design your UX, researching & analyzing user behavior would be of greater advantage for your app and while designing it is must to place the features, content and navigation inside the app simple for the users.

Above all, it is good to keep in mind that the app is developed for users and not for yourself.

Read further to find out how to overcome challenges and design the best UX for your mobile app.